sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2008

Lindsay Lohan & Samantha Ronson

The english Version of the text is below of the spanish text.

La actriz Lindsay Lohan mantiene una relacion romantica con la DJ Samantha Ronson.

El padre de Lindsay Lohan ha decidido subir un escalón más en la guerra que había iniciado contra la novia de su hija, Samantha Ronson. Michael Lohan asegura ahora que la novia de Lindsay, una conocida Dj., recurre a métodos poco agradables cuando falta papel higiénico en el baño de su casa.

«Mirad como se viste. Utiliza más su dedo mediano que las palabras», ha dicho Michael Lohan. «Sam es asquerosa. Personalmente, creo que es oscura, una representación desagradable de lo humano», asegura.

Lindsay Lohan, que ha posado muy sexy esta semana para una conocida revista, podría casarse con Samantha Ronson este mismo año. Michael, padre de la popular actriz, ruega a su hija que abandone la relación que mantiene con la Dj.

«¿Han visto ustedes la casa de Samantha? Cuando se queda sin papel higiénico pide a la gente que utilice el cartón del rollo», ha dicho Michael Lohan. «He oído y sé de Samantha mucho más de lo que ustedes imaginan», concluye.

English Version:

The actress Lindsay Lohan supports a romantic relation with the DJ Samantha Ronson.

The father of Lindsay Lohan has decided to raise one more step in the war that had initiated against the girlfriend of his daughter, Samantha Ronson. Michael Lohan assures now that the girlfriend of Lindsay, a known Dj., she resorts to slightly agreeable methods when hygienic paper is absent in the bath of his house.
" Look the Dj's clothes. There uses more his medium finger than the words ", has said Michael Lohan. " Sam is disgusting. Personally, I believe that she is dark, a disagreeable representation of the human thing ", He assures.

" Have you seen Samantha's house? When she remains without hygienic paper she says the people that the carton of the roll uses ", has said Michael Lohan. " I have heard and know of great Samantha more than you imagine ", he concludes.
Lindsay Lohan, who has posed very sexy this week for a known magazine, might marry Samantha Ronson the same year. Michael, father of the popular actress, asks his her daughter to leave the relation that she supports with the Dj.

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